Servicizing is a transaction where value is provided through combination of products and services and where satisfaction of customer needs is achieved by selling function of the product rather than product per se and/or by increasing the service component of the offer. Thus, each offer represents a continuum of products and services, which can be further servicized.
Servicizing can take place both on supply and demand side, i.e. it can focus on systems of provision, e.g. production processes or servicizing products in the design stage, as well as on consumption systems, i.e. the way product functions and services are offered to and used by consumers. Servicizing can lead both to increased and decreased environmental, economic and social impacts.
Dr. Blass served as the Scientific Leader of SPREE (Servicizing Policy for Rsource Efficient Economy), a three-year project within the environment theme under the European Commision’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7). The aim of SPREE project was to identify potential “Servicizing Policy Packages” for the establishment of Servicizing systems which facilitate the transition from selling products to providing services.
The project presented its final findings in June 2015, and is showcased on the European Commission Website.
Conferences & Lectures
Chebach T., Blass V., Orsato R. “Innovative Business models for Servicizing: a Typology”, Intentional Society for Industrial Ecology 2013 conference, South Korea, June 2013
Chebach T. and Blass V., “The Environmental Impact of Servicizing Agriculture: Case of Servicized IPM in the Arava Region”, Intentional Society for Industrial Ecology 2015 conference, UK, July 2015.