New Post-doc opportunity
מחקר בדק: האם היוזמות למניעת זריקת מזון אכן עוזרות לסביבה?
Our new funded research: Environmental impacts of product returns from online sales
הפנים של המדע - ראיון לגליון מיוחד בנושא פסולת - אקולוגיה וסביבה ינואר 2021
Listen to a radio interview with Vered Blass (in Hebrew)
Our latest LCA study on the water system in Israel
New: The COVID-19 / Environment Nexus
Post-doc position: modeling and analyzing mobility transitions in energy systems
Post-doc position: consumer behavior in mobility systems
New grant awarded by the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection
New ISF Grant awarded
SPREE in Haaretz National Paper
Rethinking Consumption: Should I Use the Same Tools as in Commercial Advertising?
The Quiet Revolution in the World of Vehicles
In the Media
SPREE - A Success Story!